Page 244

Page 244

13 Replies to “Page 244”

  1. Ok Three Things, 1. So all of the souls of the girls are just trapped inside of him and its possible to get them out? 2 Please tell me John is not going to die literally after he just made his appearance, 3 Where is Harley’s Nightgaunt picture?, I thought you said it was going to be up by the end of May?

    1. do you know why I like the story The reason why I like it because it’s so different from all the other s*** if John Constantine win this would be so boring keep up the good work

    1. Agree. The problem ist, that the cliche of the “good guys wining” is that it is onesided. This great story try to be different, but the Master ist so powerful, that he wins allways. It is the same cliche but vice versa. It would be mory interresting, if both sides loses something. It is not neccesary, that the Master loses in a long way, but it would be more climactic, if he doesn´t win allways. The story would be so more thrilling in this way. It is a rare opportunity to try new ways in telling stories. It would be very sad, if it ends predictable and boring. For now I enjoy this masterpiece very much.

    2. Have they really won though? I would sure like John Constantine to maybe at the very least, get away. A story where the villain is so powerful that no one stands a chance is also kinda boring. It might as well be a string of corruption transformations. So far, only the nightgaunts have really been temporarily defeated, and the Master himself hasn’t really had to fight anyone he couldn’t easily handle up until now.

      I think it would help move things a long if the heros think they have a chance of liberating their friend’s souls, since clearly their souls still exist trapped, and the nightgaunts are just the corrupted versions of themselves.

      It ups the stakes a little I guess.

  2. I came up with the plot of a new Chapter, the master turned the Measure of Nightgaunt, revived and turned Queen Atlanta into Nightgaunt ,she swallowed Aquaman, the master will become the ruler of the people of Atlantis.

  3. I came up with the plot of a new Chapter, the master turned the Measure of Nightgaunt, revived and turned more precisely Queen Atlantean in Nightgaunt, she swallowed Aquaman, the master will become the ruler of the people of Atlantis.

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