1 will lex have all the young female supper heroes adicted to his drugs and him self
2 will wonder woman and bat man ever get out of bed in time to get down to earth in time
3 will they be able to recognize the changes in the females in time to stop it
4 or will they be be blinded by there own lust for each other ?
5 will lex use there lust for each other to blind them to what he is doing to the female heroes ?
theses and many more questions to be answered ahead i hope ?
5 Replies to “Page 84”
the allowance part 2 with is with lex Luthor or with rulette and her “girls”
Can u do a short with Luthor corrupting Slades daughther I just love the way she begs on this page
1 will lex have all the young female supper heroes adicted to his drugs and him self
2 will wonder woman and bat man ever get out of bed in time to get down to earth in time
3 will they be able to recognize the changes in the females in time to stop it
4 or will they be be blinded by there own lust for each other ?
5 will lex use there lust for each other to blind them to what he is doing to the female heroes ?
theses and many more questions to be answered ahead i hope ?
when will you continue this story?