

10 Replies to “Page26”

    1. I started planning and writing Forsaken Souls almost two years ago, and started drawing when the whole story was written and sketched. But once I started drawing and receiving feedback from all you guys, I realized many mistakes I did back in the day, the pace , the writing and yes, the corruptions. In this particular chapter there were too many missed opportunities and they will be painfully obvious in the next page. But, that doesn’t mean they won’t be dealt with. Black Canary’s corruption and any other missed opportunities you’ll see in the next pages, will be seen soon. Maybe it was too late for this chapter to be corrected on time, but this particular misstep has given me the opportunity to correct future chapters that had similar problems so, there might still be some offscreen corruptions but none of them will be of highly popular and beloved characters.

    2. Okay, I am going to be as polite and as professional as possible. First, this is not the only negative input you have received from your fans and ignoring your followers tells me there is something truly wrong at your end. You had a great story going with Forsaken Souls and WW, but after 500 pages you can’t seem to close it out, unfortunate. Anyway, with or without the huge gaps in your story, you have committed the mortal sin of the genre’… you took away her costume! Even Eric Stanton tried to avoid that mistake, but not you! You took away what made WW really WW and turned her into a plain brunette, the costume dummy! Yep, everybody knows you keep the tiara and boots, always! So what did we replace them with? Vampire teeth, tattoos and elven ears, man that gets me off…NOT! You were my idol!

      1. Hello Steve. I understand and agree whit what you are telling about the costume. So let me share with you what and why I did what I did. First of all those aren’t tattoos, those are incantations written over her. Once she’s fully corrupted you won’t be seeing them again. The fangs and long ears are stages of her transformation. Almost all my nightgaunt designs have them. Regarding the costume or the lack of it I decided to remove for several reasons. One, You saw her in costume in the first phase of her corruption, when she was bound to Donna’s corruption. Two It was a way to show that she was leaving behind who she was. Three, being fully naked would allow me to show the incantations. These would have been very difficult to be written over her had she had her costume on. I knew back then that it could break the fantasy. But I was betting on continuity. You’ve been following her corruption for some time now. And all this continuity was the foundation to this scene. And you knew who she was and why she was there. Of course it doesn’t work for everybody. But i try to reach as many people as possible without sacrificing the story. One more thing. Forsaken Souls was fully written before I drew the first page. Yes there have been some added or edited scenes on the march, but the main story is pretty much the same. I do understand when people say that it’s taking too long or that I don’t know what to do next. But I can asure you we are on track and building the story to its conclusion. As a matter of fact I have the general idea and notes for 2 sequels. Which by the way will be shorter that Forsaken Souls.

        I usually try to answer comments and questions from my fans and critics (As long as they are friendly and polite). I don’t always have the time. Although I’m more active at my Discord. And it’s easier and faster to answer over there. I thank you for supporting my work all this time and I really hope that the stuff that’s coming next will be more of your liking.

  1. As an author I can share with you the most important thing you can do to be successful with this story, other than conflict, move the storyline! It is critical to any story in the ‘thriller’ genre. Waiting…

    1. I know what you mean, and when I wrote this I found myself in a very complicated place, in fact I still am. For starters, it was to define the nature of the story. Was it going to be a porn comic with traces of a story or was it going to be a immersive story with stints of porn? So I’ve been trying to balance between the main story and the sexy parts. And then once I started publishing another two powerful factors appeared, the publishing schedule. In one hand I publish single pages periodically on my website and on the other a gave several pages at once to my Patreons, And this gives a whole different lecture depending how you are reading it. Single page lectors aren’t as patient as multiple pages lectors regarding the sexual parts of the story, while Patreon readers get to be more receptive to a story that’s been building through several pages. Then there’s the problem with the characters, everybody want’s to see his/her favorite character in action, the must popular characters are no brainers, but lately thanks to tv series and cartoons there has been a surging of characters not that popular on my time, like Starfire, Raven, Miss Martian, among others that have a strong fanbase and that were relegated almost to a footnote on my original draft. If this was a story with original characters there would have been no problem, the audience is not that invested on the character and I could have done this as it was originally planned, but in this case and with this characters, fan service is a must.

      1. Sorry it’s taken so long to reply, quintuple bypass surgery has that effect. Real quick- It has taken all this time for me to figure out that E-Hentai Galleries doesn’t post your complete story (JL Souls-pics missing). I write crime thriller novels (and some WW porn for fun), there is a huge difference between the two. My response (five years late)- don’t mix! We’re looking for that good close (WW in a perpetual state of agony and ecstasy), don’t drag it out, you’re there; unless you want to become another Lockmaster with 12 pics to get the character out of the car and into the building.

        1. Thanks Steve. I hope you are doing better with your surgery. Regarding E-Hentai, blame is on me. Since I’m the one uploading the story there. I missed a couple pages in the past, but those have been uploaded by now.

  2. When is the new chapter goona start…..i cant wait to see wonder woman evil corruption………dont stop…….more corruption needed,,,,,,,

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