Page 639

Page 639

8 Replies to “Page 639”

    1. With the upgrade she got?
      No contest. Poor Trigon won’t stand a chance. Look at the Page 231 & 232. The “Ruby of Decay” formerly known as “Ruby of Life”.

      1. I wonder. It took the Master, Wonder Woman and (a backstabbing assist from) Mary Marvel to defeat Darkside.
        Trigon is of a completely different calibre and Raven is to take him on solo?
        I hope we get to see it, not just hear about it being done ‘off screen’.

      2. If you look at the conversation here. It seems that Zatanna has realized that Nyarlathotep lied about eternal life. This can be seen from the first page of this parody. And the unity of Wonder Woman is gone and Wonder Woman herself is gone because of Nyarlathotep’s death caused by the explosion. That’s why Nyarlathotep told Zatanna and Raven to attack hell because Nyarlathotep’s death caused Wonder Woman to be the first sacrifice for Nyarlathotep to come back to life and also so that unity could occur again. It can be seen on page 638 in this parody where it appears Nyarlathotep has just embraced the 3 creations produced by Wonder Woman, The Furies. I believe Nyarlathotep came back to life from Wonder Woman’s own body. From the cover of this parody alone, I already suspected that one day Wonder Woman would be gone and would not survive this parody. Now only the nightgaunts are left to follow what Nyarlathotep says and if the nightgaunts don’t obey what Nyarlathotep orders, they will be next.

    1. The Ruby of Life belonged to Sargon the Sorcerer and was the source of his magic powers. No idea what the properties of the Ruby of Decay are going to be.

    2. Are you aware that there is a DC fandom wiki?

      Simply save it as a favorite, then you can answer all your questions yourself…


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