Page 537

Page 537

6 Replies to “Page 537”

  1. Looks like Batman retained a little bit more than strength, speed, and shape-changing ability from his infection?
    And NONE of them are noticed Storch masturbating???

    1. The heroes are showing off their classic stupidity. They ask if the angel guy is ready but don’t ask Scorch, even though they are relying on her to “control” a superhot fire. The good guys are being silly again.

      It is fun to see Scorch getting magically aroused like this tho, I am curious what she will do.

      1. Just probably has to do with his proximity and also I think she was 1 of the his ladies that had a belly already (from being pregnant for before they shutdown his harem)

  2. Was this Scorch one of his harem? She recovered quickly if yes? Did the others recover as well?

    1. Yes, she was in there. I think though, the Enchantress pointed out that those that were too far long with the corruption had some irreversible physical changes. Batman still had the claws.

      Considering scorch was being corrupted to breed, it stands to reason that she might physically be unable to help herself from going into heat.

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