Page 51

Page 51

11 Replies to “Page 51”

  1. They do know their scanners won’t detect the Master’s parasites inside them. And where the hell is Clark or Barry and Hal?

    Oh. And it looks like Kim is gonna get some bat loving…. but i doult that. What happened to Bruce?

    1. Clark and Barry’s fate will be revealed next chapter, you’ll see Hal later on. About Bruce, who says he has a parasite inside? Everybody fears for Kimiyo, but no one speaks of Wonder Woman in the last panel.

  2. Wow. I wasn’t expecting Batman’s corruption! Nice curve ball, especially given that Madame Xanadu talked about the “escape” as if it was a defeat for the Master. Hmm … me things that Wonder Woman is already corrupted too.

      1. Batman’s corruption is also a surprise, because it appeared that Madame Xanadu was about to kill him. Wonder Woman’s corruption doesn’t surprise me, because she was already under going a conversion process, and Madame Xanadu hinted how much WW was enjoying it.

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