Page 469

Page 469

8 Replies to “Page 469”

  1. How predictable!
    The same Situation as in the Beginning with Zatanna. Nyarlathotep knew, Zatanna was already so foggy with Lust and addicted to it, that it was clear from the Start, that she would choose him. Diana will do the same.

    The only Difference , Diana still has enough clear Perception, to have a bit of a bad Conscience. Which is, why she apologizes to Bruce.

    However, I have to admit, that I have read and watched so many Detective, Thriller, Horror and Superhero Stories, that it is easy for me to recognize Patterns and predict Things .
    Even if I’m sometimes wrong.

    1. I’m starting to wonder if there might be a way shown prior to the final battle, how to free the souls Nyarlatothep has consumed, since we saw Constantine could make the lucid and emotional again with a spell. Without souls, they shouldn’t have been able to feel regret like they did? Also, Constantine (and I’m not just saying this because hes my favorite DC character of all time) wasn’t drained like the others; Zatanna ate him. Others have died rather than be drained, but Constantine is one of the few that knows how to transverse mystical dimensions since hes literally broken out of He’ll before. Perhaps he’ll come back with the silver bullet?

      1. If (and it’s a giant IF) I got it right, “Forsaken Souls” is a Two-Parter.
        That means, there will be a second Comic after this.
        This Story here will probably end on a Cliffhanger (and Nyarlathotep’s [temporary] Victory).

        But it could also be, that I’m confusing that with “Live lewd. dwel evil” and “The Inner Joke”.

        So.. The Return of Constantine COULD be a Possibility.

        1. As I mentioned on my Discord. Forsaken Souls is a self contained story. But I have two sequels planned. And you will see Constantine once again very close to the end of Forsaken Souls.

          1. BP, that’s some of the best news ever. That you’re providing an audience content of this quality for free is incredible, and we are not worthy. I speak for others surely, when I say thank you.

            And CONSTANTINE WILL RETURN (somehow)?! Officially over the moon

          2. Since I’m only following the Discussion on this Page here and don’t use other Social Media Sites (Twitter, FB, Discord, etc.), I’m not quite up to date and am lagging behind a lot.

            That’s why I want to thank you very much for answering me.

    1. I am not familiar with the DC universe, but apparently there are multiple Flash characters. As far as I understand it: The one who took the speed force away was Barry Allen. The one who saved the day alongside Zauriel, and who is with team Luthor now, is Wally West.

      Meaning: The Flash who took the speed force away (Barry, page 103) is still unaccounted for. Only Pharaoh knows if he will make an appearance again 😉

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