Page 391

Page 391

11 Replies to “Page 391”

  1. I see! Now at least I understand why Flash is back.
    I had totally forgotten that there are different people who call themselves Flash.

  2. so last night i was smoking a blunt talking to lois lane right , and she was all talking about all she wanted for christmas was like a liter or 2 of bat jizz. I was thinking Im pretty sure Pharo’s on that but I doubt shele get it by christmas, maby new years , estimated delivery times and such, fucking amazon…

  3. And none of them are talking about what’s happened to Batman!!
    He’s instantly fucking Lois (in front of Luthor and WW) then he’s a Demon who rips off the head of one of the nightguants…. and he’s casually riding back with everyone and no one is commenting??? WTF? I know its only a comic, but get some realism just just gizim here

    1. hahahahahahahahah, yo trevor , hahahahahhahah…. hahahahahahahahahaha
      hmmm, I would have liked to see a flash to lois recovering while others argue i guess, ….
      I think the plot progression is fine…
      Elijia there will probably complaine in the next few sceans… lois ww and luther would probably keep there moulths shut? wele find out , pharo’s plot progression is Epic class… Im kinda confused by the guy complaining about pharo’s spelling and grammer in the alien tentavcle porn comic ….
      Also speaking from experince once youv put the ink on a finished comic page, to redo the punctuation you still have to redraw then re ink the full page , so what the artist dose then is drink a shot of hennisy and decide he couldent give less of a fuck if his punctuation is mehh…

    2. would have been funny to see that scean go a lil longer but ww and luther couldent press him in fron to new powerfull allys , batman’s also so trusted and decent because he admits his condition they believe in the end hele beat it regardless of cost..
      Like luther candidly talking to ww really changed ww’s whole outlook on the bat situatuion trav

    3. Luthor knows what’s going on with him and doesn’t care. Diana’s under his influence. Lois is traumatized and Wally and Zauriel didn’t see anything.

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