Forsaken Souls is back
Hi everybody.
After a short hiatus, im glad to announce you that we are back. We’ll keep publishing in a weekly basis, but we are closer to a more tight schedule, with more pages per month.
You can read the new entry right here>>
Now, this absence doesn’t mean we stopped working, but the opposite. So far if you’ve been following my Patreon, the last page I published was number 25, and in the first two days of August pages 26 to 30 will be released. Also a new Portrait of corruption has been delivered and you’ll be able to see it in this site next week.
As you can see more thing are on the way and on a regular basis. So stick around and tell all your friends that we are back.
Again thank you so much for all your support and be sure to comment down below, it’s always nice to know if you are liking this project.