Page 493

Page 493

17 Replies to “Page 493”

  1. I had a Hunch, that Nyarlathotep would use his Nightgaunts as “Power Sources”.

    I even assume, that he will sacrifice the 6 NGs, to transfer ALL their Energies, Life Forces and Powers to Diana.

    1. Well, the 6 NGs in question are Isis, Miss Marvel, Wonder Girl and Donna Troy. But, also Power Girl and Super Girl. The latter two, Nyar has said, are among the most powerful in his army, with Raven being another in that class. I understand Donna (making WW’s soul whole before it is ripped away) and Wonder Girl (her niece, a part of her family, with godly ancestry), and the others for ambiguous reasons (not core characters, Miss Marvel and Isis are likely just throwaways to Nyar).

      But, would he truly destroy his two most powerful lieutenants?

      1. I think it also depends on the “final Product”. And the Question “Quality or Quantity”. Do I want to lose 6 of my most powerful Slaves and gain an extremely powerful Queen, or do I want to keep my 6 powerful Slaves and “only” gain a very powerful Queen. So it’s probably most about the Question: How powerful Nyarlathotep wants his Bride to be.

        In Addition, Nyarlathotep would also contradict himself: See Page 232.
        Quote Raven: “I have become Death! The Destroyer of Worlds!”
        Quote Nyarlathotep: “No my dear Raven, you will destroy Galaxies in my Name.”

        So turning Raven into a Galaxy destroying Weapon first and then sacrificing her, would only make Sense, if he had planned it from the Start.

        At the End of the Day though, it still comes down to where Black Pharaoh wants to take/write this Story.

          1. Thanks for replying to us. Also, you mentioned a bit further back that Constantine would be returning. Will that be in this chapter or are you going to wait a few before you bring him back? Sorry, but I’m really excited to see him again 🙂

          2. This is where I am just going to come out and say it….I miss Miss Martian….she was by far my favourite in design and I wish we got to see her more. Can we sacrifice Xanadu and get her back instead?

          3. Thank You very much for replying to our Comments. And the little Spoiler. *grin*
            There’s always something gratifying about an Author responding / reacting to Readers’ Comments and Questions.

      1. Interesting choice of words. I mean your statement “Almost at the end of Forsaken Souls” and this information 😉 That would be over 300 pages left. With your current release schedule this means over 3 years to go. Yeah … “almost” 😉

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