Page 327

Page 327

7 Replies to “Page 327”

  1. And the next Trojan Horse.
    Who will made the Race? The Black Pharao or Diagon?

    It would be funny, if J’onn got “infectet” through the Corpse of his Niece. That would mean, the Black Pharaoh would have 2 Puppets around WW to corupt her.

    Or perhaps, it IS M’gann, who faked her defeat to infiltrate Atlantis. And is now playing the Role of her Uncle to infiltrate Luthors Base.

    Still hoping to finally get a reply (And I won’t stop asking until the Author answers me):
    What about Grail (Darkseid’s Daughter) and Doomsday?

      1. First of all: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :-)) Yes! *sighs in relief*
        Thank You for Your Reply, Sir.

        Second, I apologize for the double Post. It looked like my first Entry was not going to be accepted, so I sent a second One.

        Grail won’t be on “Forsaken Souls”? Very unfortunate, but nothing can be done about it.
        Her Appearance in one of the planned Sequels, however, sounds most promising.

        I’m looking forward to it.

  2. Another Trojan Horse. Either from the Black Pharao of from Diagon. J’onn could have been “infected” by the Corpse of his Niece. Or he has been corrupted by Mera.

    Or, as a surprising Plt-Twist: This is M’gann, who faked her defeat and is now pretending to be J’onn.

    Still hoping to finally get a reply (And I won’t stop asking until the Author answers me) :
    What about Grail (Darkseid’s daughter) and Doomsday?

  3. Looking forward to what comes next! The previews are looking spicy lol (but we’ll see what that amounts to I guess)
    It’s obviously way too suspicious that the Martian made it out. Not because he doesn’t have the power to escape (I’m sure he could get out just as easily as lightning-chest did). But just because we let him out of our sight for half a second. That’s a perfect excuse to cause some trouble, and the silly heroes will have no idea! lol
    And most of all, that wink in the third panel…..

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